Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cervix Position Before Menstruation Period -mucus Cervical Position Before Menstruation? (Serious Answers Only Please.)?

Cervical position before menstruation? (Serious answers only please.)? - cervix position before menstruation period -mucus

I was on my period for another day, but failed. Before anyone says, I will take up a HPT to make sure that I was not pregnant, but no matter, I wonder what your position is the cervix would be before she has her rules. .. or shortly before. It is clear that during menstruation, the cervix opens to distribute to all, but I wonder whether it will be closed and opened as a rule, or a little in the few days before menstruation. It has nothing to do with pregnancy, it's just a question. Serious answers please =]


Brutally Honest said...

The surface of the cervix should always be a little dimple in it (something like a big pot). The pass is open only about 1 / 2 inches during the menstrual period (think of the fact that expand to 10 cm for childbirth, is the absolute minimum dilation), it would probably not be capable of a significant difference find.

The cervix may feel tender or swollen neck may feel a bit more relaxed (May be lower in the vaginal vault) per day three days before menstruation.

Daisy said...

The cervix is usually at a slight angle the whole time, but it moves more into the pelvis during sexual intercourse.

However, before menstruation, there is a plug of mucus to keep closed closed.

aWellWis... said...

It is easy to open 1 / 2 days before menstruation.

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